Obamamania - An obsesses need to tear down and belittle Barack Obama. Most commonly suffered amogn conservatives and the MSM.
Well, you knew it was coming, we have been watching the surge (non-Iraqi) growing. Having built him up, puffed him up, it is time to destroy our heroes.
I am still undecided on my opinion of the man. But this garbage is just RIDICULOUS.

Over at Crooks and Liars, they have video Of Howard Kurtz, perpetually disappointing journalism, discussion with Gwen Ifil, of PBS.
MS. IFILL: Well, probably. But before I get to that, Tim, I really have to respond to the comment that Howie made about the black enough story. I—you know, I, I guess I could paraphrase Lloyd Benson and say, “I covered Jesse Jackson, I know Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama is no Jesse Jackson.” But what I mean when I say that is people seem to set up this really interesting test for Barack Obama of blackness, which I have found absent in any other dialogue involving people who clearly appear to and identify and work in the black community, and I—I’m not quite certain where it comes from. As you know, Tim, I’m, I’m the son of West Indian immigrants. I, I don’t know if because I’m not the son of African-Americans—the daughter, that is, of African-Americans who are born in this country that makes me less black. So I’m a little puzzled about this discussion. I don’t know quite what, what—where it’s coming from, other than maybe some folks who haven’t been invited to the party. (full transcript below the fold)
I'm puzzled to. Troubled as well.
Over on FOX, Bill Kristol, digs in even deeper and nastier.
KRISTOL: We’re electing a war president in 2008. If I can go back to Obama and Lincoln for just one second, Lincoln’s “house divided” speech in 1858 was a speech saying we cannot live as a house divided on slavery. And he implicitly says we’ll have to fight a civil war if necessary on this.
Obama’s speech is a “can’t we get along” speech — sort of the opposite of Lincoln. He would have been with Stephen Douglas in 1858. Let’s paper over these differences, rise above politics and all get along. That’s not Giuliani’s mode. And I think in a war context, social conservatives want to win the war against Islamic jihadism.
So it's even a twofer. He would leave blacks in slavery, the race traitor he is AND, just to spit in his face, he's freaking Rodney King.

Sadly, Juan Williams was sitting there, and didn't take note. But he isn't being paid for that.
Your conservative thinking at work.

Then we have Salon.com. Daily Kos, covers their coverage of Obama.
UPPITY? Did they ACTUALLY go there? Yes and no, they switched it to smug now. The wonders of this age.
Ouch. Just, ouch. It's an incredibly negative article, and one that directly engages Obama's race and concludes that he became an effective politician when he embraced his whiteness. But it's difficult to tell how the racial politics of the article would read without "uppity" right there up front.
Is this the only way they have to approach him? To understand him?
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