The government is ramping up claims again that Iran is the source of our Iraqi troubles (Or is it al-qaeda ... no ... wait ... Hey, maybe they're in league.). They are also offering up some evidence, pointing to some serial numbers, and then their are the dates in the 2006 range. It sounds like good evidence.
But the people at Daily Kos have a question:
It's easy to see how no one could expect such a message to be found, given that Iraq never has any electricity. Using this method, a second, even more incriminating message was presumably found. For the benefit of the readers, I reconstruct the message here:
"Asef, I wonder if we should start thinking about making these IEDs without the serial numbers. I know we have a nice history with numbers and that the accounting department really appreciates them, but still it just seems to me as though these serial numbers really put our country at great risk. Given that this Bush guy seems to be itching for any excuse to use bunker-busting nuclear weapons against our country, might it be the case that we ought not to mark these weapons with numbers that uniquely identify them as being made in Iran? Ah well, who am I to question the manufacturing procedures of our extremely mysterious and well-trained secret army? Good luck on your evil mission."
Maybe this seems paranoid, and it might be.

But I remember last war. When Powell was at the U.N., he was reading a transcript where some Iraqi soldiers were discussing their illegal weapons.
In essence it was like this:
"Hey we have to move and hide these illegal weapons."
"Yes, we must be careful."
"Imagine if the Americans knew. We would be in trouble."
"Yes, we must be careful, or they will find out."
"Yes, we must be careful, because if the Americans learn of this illegal weapon, we will be in trouble."
"Yes, we must hide the illegal weapons."
That was what it was like, to my ears. It just ringed false to me.
And, based on what I know of our sources and support in the region, I would have called it a fake instantly. But their were journalist then that knew about our oddballs and screwballs being relied on, and they didn’t question.
So after all this, when a question like, why serial numbers, pops up, I have to think,
“Yeah! What the hell!”
It isn’t my fault that the president and his lackeys lied. It isn’t my fault they betrayed out trust.
So it is up to them to restore the trust. It is up to them to dot the i’s and cross the t’s.
It is up to them to make things right.
Here is another question is here.
But what do we make of the claim that Iran is supplying Shia militias with IEDs that are killing our soldiers? An astute reader might point out that up until now the reporting has been that IEDs were the weapon of choice for the Sunni insurgents and not Shia militias - that up until now we have been told that it was the Sunni insurgents that were killing American soldiers. If we are to believe Mr. Gordon, it is now Shia militias that are blowing up American soldiers with IEDs. An astute reader might question such a claim as somewhat incredible. An astute reader would be right.
You know what this looks like? When we needed al-qaeda to be our problem, their Sunni brothers were our nemesis. When we need Iran, it is now all about Shia.
We ahve always been at war with Eastasia!
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