Back to the al-Sadr question.
Word is not coming out of Iraq, from different quarters denying he is gone.
His people say he is still in country.
And others tell of his very recent to Najaf.
CBS News
A close aide who meets regularly with him said al-Sadr was not in Tehran. The aide said the U.S. report probably stems from a campaign by al-Sadr's people to put out false information about his movements amid fears he will be detained by U.S.-led forces. The cleric also is sleeping in different places each night, the aide said.
An official in al-Sadr's main office in the Shiite holy city of Najaf said the cleric had decided not to appear publicly during the current month of Muharam, one of four holy months in the Islamic calendar.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to disclose the information.
Lawmaker Nassar al-Rubaie, head of the Sadrist bloc in Iraq's parliament, also denied the U.S. report.
"The news was not accurate because Muqtada al-Sadr is still in Iraq and he did not visit any country," al-Rubaie told The Associated Press.
It almost seems the more likely scenario is tha tthe US lost him, and are trying to smike him out again.
That AMERICAblog story sounds a little paranoid, but this makes it seem more and more that the media, yet again, played into a militaty op.
Good job media, here's a cookie.

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