Ah, Oprah. Oprah, Oprah.
Should it be scary to point out her troubling activities? Or is it too easy?
The truth that far too many people slavishly follow her edicts leads me to think it is just necessary.
She has had a long history with TV. Long before her ascent to Godhood she was doing the standard odd and woo stories. Like Geraldo, that one big mouthed jerk, and others, she was doing sensational bits, with UFO's, psychics, New Agey crystal, and other crap. But that was a pathetic necessity of the talk show circuit.
She has gone far since those days. She is rich, popular, no matter her topic, and revered. She doesn't need to dig into the woo to get her audience.
So she never did those stories again. Right?
Let's start with the Secrets. Another of those keys to success in life. Man, their are so many keys and people keep finding them, people must be doing riding off to glory all over....
Seriously though, they pop up with this same, ancient and hidden, advice every few years. Then they pawn it off on the masses and make millions, before people get bored and move on to the next fad. Yeah, it is a lot like the diet fads. Sad.
Sadder, that Oprah spent 2 shows lauding this and promoting it. Plus, the authors knew enough to relate it to her. See, she unconsciously knew the secret and applied it to gain her glory. She is a success story. And those around her who aren't raking it in are jealous...Just what she loves to hear.
The basic idea of positive thinking is sound. But being positive isn't new, revelatory, or a SECRET. And it doesn't manifest money, power, or...whatever floats your boat. You can look up the book in plenty of places. But, please don't buy it. You will find plenty of copies in used bins of stores in a few months. They’ll be right by the See Food diet book.
Her supporting and promoting this con is revolting. She doesn’t need to do these shows. So does that mean she believes?
And...we are just starting.
How could she dig deeper? And, again, she has the money, fame, and power, she doesn't need to go to the woo.
Now, psychics. Yeah, I said that curse word. Psychics! She had two prime douches on her show. John Edwards (BOO!) and Allison DuBois (BOO!). The cream of the crop, when it comes to cons.
I've pointed people Stop Syliva Brown
Then theirs the infamous John Edward, a master Cold Reader. If you don't know what Cold Reading is go here. In brief, it's reading the subject's body language etc, and skillfully extracting information from the subject, which can then be fed back later, convincing the subject that the psychic has told them things they couldn't possibly have known! He has gotten rich making people cry and ball over their dearly departed. Jerk!
To get into all of the tomfoolery of Allison DuBois, go to Allison DuBois: Debunked!. She is shameless, and gotten rich being so.
Get to know the con, the con artist. Because waiting for Oprah to wise up will be a long wait.
I can have sympathy for naiveté, but Oprah is a different matter. She is affluent and a trend setter. And she is helping sell people on all these cons.
I fault the sheep for being sheep. But is there no scorn for the sheppardess who leads the sheep of a cliff or into the wolves den?
She should be ashamed.
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