Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One more thought.

The Paula Zahn show talked of below could have been instructive. A lesson in nutty and pathetic paranoid bigotry.

It started off with the sad story of abuse of a family.

But they chose to bring in people, most of whom, were inclined to be vindictive and cruel. How can this not be read as intent, and why the sports guy...

So, a chance to help a small group (Percent wise (Not 3%) it is in the 12 or so percent, then add in those unwilling to admit to being it, that number inches up slightly.), who are seen as worth than Islamic militants (U of MN research). I guess that would hamper the naetworks Red State dreams of being the new FOX news. Way dream...scary nasty dreams.

It could almost be seen as a lesson. "See how bad it is?" But no. Zahn has never shown erself to be that sharp, subtle, or wiley.

Thankfully they have the brilliant and amazing Christiane Amanpour, the determined and resourceful Michael Ware in Iraq, Anderson Cooper, who has been kicking Sylvia Browne's sorry backside recently, even the loveablly crotchety Jack Cafferty. These people deserve accolades. They make me hope CNN will learn better.

Hope, but only so much.

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