Thursday, February 08, 2007


CNN has decided to postpone until Friday its makeup piece on Atheism.

Yes, a big story has broke. Anna Nic...I am not going to waste time and energy writing her name on my own damn blog. Suffice to say, this is a big story...because...sigh, sadly, looking at Olbermann on MSNBC he is talking about how her death is affecting people...WHAT! Keith...COME ON!

I am sad for her daughter's loss, and the limbo it is leaving the child in, but...

You know, people are dying in sickening numbers in Africa, from bigotry, ignorance, illness, and starvation, people are being gunned down and blown apart in shocking numbers in Iraq, people are dying everywhere. Please, let us be honest here. She was someone whose main claim to fame was gold digging, weight loss, and chemical imbalance (No one even remembers she was in a Naked Gun film.). How sad is it that more time is spent mourning the loss of this woman than, say, the creator of a world changing medicine, or a foreign dignitary who ends a war, somewhere.

Guess they didn't make good TV. That is a sad statement on our nation.

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