Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just to be clear.

There are plenty of reasons to be snarky.

Why do the cable channels cut away from ANYTHING and EVERYTHING when a plane has "trouble", or their is a car chase?

The news worthiness? NO.

The importance? NO.

They want to record and broadcast a nasty crash, or a "miraculous" save. Though with the crash they can go on and on. It's a cheap thrill for the audience, it's slowing down and taking a good look at an accident. This is a chance to make someones death into a event to boost rating, to gawk, and to make her a spectacle one last time. Why would any of us want to be, in any way, a part of this?

Again, that is why we can be snarky. This event is not worth upending everything to make a spectacle (So Larry King's regular practice of making a meal of these sorts of things gives me a special dislike of him.). It is not the nicest thing to say, but it is just true. This isn't a good use of the airwaves.

Someone, almost no one really knew or cared about (Gawking and Ogling does not count. Being your choice of an example of "What's wrong with.." also doesn't count.) has passed.

Let those who loved her mourn her.

Good bye. Now back to the war. Because Death's work is far from done tonight.

I...Sorry if this all seems cold. It is very cold.

This is a tragedy, to her family. If I knew them they would have my condolences, I guess, as a matter of courtesy they do at that.

But as a society we do really love to put ourselves in these stories/events. A person dies, or a crash occurs, we do really love to make it about ourselves. How does it affect me?

We need to grow out of this. It is not empathy, it's self-gratification.

But that is just how I see it.

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